Screenshot of ElectionBuddy Setup Process – Step 1: add details, design ballot, add voters.

Step 1: Setup

Add election details

Enter your election name, dates and settings

Design your ballot and notices

Add positions, candidates and questions with photos and bios and personalize the email, text and paper notices

Add your voter list

Pull lists from Excel or your contact manager


Step 2: Vote

One vote per voter the way they want to vote

Voters are notified by email, text message, mail or any way you want. Voters click to vote on their computer or phone.

Voting is anonymous

Choices are confidential and can't be seen by other voters

Increase turnout and monitor receipt

Send reminders and resend bounced notices

Screenshot of Voting Results – viewing the results, selecting the winners and sharing the results.

Step 3: Results

Results are automatically tabulated

View voter summaries, graphs and vote by vote results

Select the winner

Winners are automatically picked or tabulate the results yourself

Share the results

Automatically notify each voter and publish the results to your webpage. Or keep them private - it's up to you!

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